Tango Classes

Class Descriptions

All group tango classes are focused on building skills not steps!

Tango Chocolate

FASTTRACK for Beginners

The FASTTRACK... A 12 week intensive curriculum in Fundamentals for beginners.  Enjoy this focused, steady growth curriculum to prepare them for the Tango social scene.

Each week learn new skills and applications, and add them to moves from prior weeks - build a vocabulary of steps to use in multiple combinations.  Success comes from dedication and practice. Start at the beginning and stay the course.

INTERMEDIO  for Continuing Dancers

Intermedio provides increasing challenges building on a strong foundation.  Individual achievement varies but 6 months to1 year of continuous training in fundamentals should achieve the technical proficiency necessary for this class.  Expand your tango vocabulary and work on transitions as this class introduces more complex moves: Sacada, Parada, Barrida, Boleo, Gancho and Enrosque... and more!


Tango Argentina

TANGO SEDUCCION for Beginners & Returning Students

An intensive workshop style class in Fundamentals for beginners and returning dancers. Classes are continuous (not a series) and designed to train students to achieve fluid movement, core control, axis, balance, frame and dissociation, through intention and invitation.

TANGO APASIONADO for Continuing Dancers

Enjoy a focused intermediate workshop that introduces new moves and incorporates them into familiar sequences. Filled with information Tango Apasionado cultivates immediate results. A thorough knowledge of Fundamentals is required as intermediate movements can only be successfully achieved from a solid foundation.

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