Tango Workshops

Occasionally Tango Fantástico hosts visiting Argentine stage celebrities, professional teachers and dancers for workshops and private classes.  Tango workshops usually designate an accomplishment level as the format of a workshop requires that students be able to comprehend verbal directions regarding position, movement and the partnership dynamics with a certain degree of proficiency.  Students who are properly qualified in a proficiency category will not detain the other students from advancing. 

Come join in the fun with authentic inspiration straight from Argentina - But come prepared, workshops are more intense and focused than regular weekly classes.  Professional teachers expect students to be motivated to experiment, work hard, and ask relevant questions. 

Remember, Argentine teachers may not be fluent in English and probably speak with an accent.

When we host visitors we will always provide some background information about their dancing careers.

Argentine Tango Intensivo - Hoschton

Argentine Tango Intensivo

What brings you here?

...Just interested?  ...Avid dancer?  ...Need a new hobby?  ...Tango?

Some responses to those standard fears for wanna-be dancers

  • If you can walk you can dance tango - it just takes learning some new skills
  • Not musical, can't find the beat - no problem, Tango dancers expression is individiual
  • Fear of close embrace - respect for personal space and comfort levels are principles we discuss at the outset


Jump in with both feet - think of it as a test drive...

Argentine Tango Intensivo

Day:  Three consecutive Saturdays

Dates:  September 17, 24 and October 1, 2022

Time:  3:00-6:00pm

A Total of Nine Hours of instruction

Sue  Sashaweb


All tango is created from walking:  Add some style and elegance, spice and interest, increase the pace or pause in an expressive way - Tango is unique every time and evolves as the skills are practiced and perfected.  Social Tango is not choreographed or rehearsed, it is created in the moment with freedom of musical interpretation, reflecting mood and intensity of connection. This creative class will accommodate students just starting out as well as students who have taken the basics before.

If you are hesitant to just join a workshop or class, then come to our Free Tango Symposium Saturday September 10, 2022 to find out more about the evolution of the dance, the culture of Argentina and why Tango is considered the foundation of all embracing partner dances. 

 Series Fee:  $150.00

                                  Payable at first class in full, cash/check

We invite you to pre-register and receive a pricing incentive at the Tango Symposium.  No partner required. Bring dry dance shoes and wear comfortable clothing.


LOCATION: Heather Wayne Performing Arts
5370 Thomspon Mill Road, Hoschton GA 30548

Tango Symposium - Hoschton

Symposium Blue web


Argentine Tango Symposium

An educational, eye-opening conversation



Saturday, September 10, 2022 -- 3:00 - 4:30pm

Join us to discover the secrets of Argentine Tango and pre-register for the Intensivo on-site to receive promotional discount


3 week Tango Intensivo Workshop starts 9/17/22

Tango Intensivo is a condensed course - designed for those short on time but with a strong desire to learn Argentine Tango

9 hours of study in three weeks is the Fasttrack!  This concentrated workshop series is the most rewarding way to learn the basics


The Symposium is Free!


Heather Wayne Performing Arts,

5370 Thompson Mill Road, Hoschton GA

Holiday Workshops - Sautee Nacoochee, GA

Holiday Workshops in Sautee Nacoochee

Suitable for novices and refreshers

Building a Dependable Foundation

Acquiring skills takes time, effort and focus but in order to progress the foundational elements need to become second nature.  The Holiday workshops will address axis, balance, intention and acquiescence.  In Argentine Tango we move in all directions and we can start on either foot, as determined by the leader.  We share the floor, following line of dance, extending common courtesies and utilizing our skills of the dance.  The dance develops through connection, communication and sensitivity to one's partner.  Through attention to precision the movement becomes fluid and the dancers feel the private reward of unified expression.

 Sue MartinSep

Tuesday, December 18th 2018

Thursday, December 27th 2019

Thursday, January 3rd 2019


SNCC Community Hall, Sautee Nacoochee, GA


Fees:  SNCA members and referrals $15.00

           Non-members $18.00


No registration required.  Sign in and pay at class.  Bring dry dance shoes and wear comfortable clothing.

Introduction to Argentine Tango at SNCC

Argentine Tango in Sautee Nacoochee!

Introductory Seminar - Free

So the thought of learning to tango has crossed your mind but you just need a little taste, a sample, before you commit?  My solution is to invite you, as a guest, no fee, no investment, just come and join me in an open session of self-discovery.  You may be invited to connect, walk, enjoy the music, and meet new friends and future partners.

Sautee Nacoochee Cultural Center has offered to host Tango Fantastico for an afternoon Introductory Seminar of Argentine Tango:


When:  Tuesday, December 11th 2018

Time:  2:00-3:00pm

Where:  SNCC Community Hall

This will be an interactive session with videos of Argentine Tango, demonstration and voluntary participation (no pressure).  Future workshops will be announced at this seminar. 

Community Hall, Sautee Nacoochee Cultural Center, Sautee Nacoochee, N.E. Georgia


Two-Tier Tango

Weekly Saturday Class 3:00-5:00pm

October - December 2017

First Hour - Foundation Focus

(suitable for Beginners required for all second hour students)

The Tango foundation must be strong to support the structure of the dance. If you are new to Tango or a little sketchy on the basics this class will help to build your confidence and ability to enjoy dancing in a social setting.  A solid foundation provides the skills to build an increasingly interesting dance.

  •  Connection
  •  Intention
  •  Invitation

Fees:  $15  Students are welcome to sit and quietly watch the second hourSue  Sashaweb

Second Hour - Complexity through Dissociation

(suitable for experienced social dancers and accomplished students)

Increasing the complexity of your Argentine Tango involves the addition of dissociation and invasion.  This hour will be focused on developing more advanced tango skills including specific timing, generating and surrendering to energy, artistic lines and musical expression.  Examples:

  •  Options:  Boleo con latigazo (boleo with whip action), Boleo al  piso (boleo on the floor), Rebote  (rebound)
  •  Technique:  Saludo, caricia, adorno (finishing touches)
  •  Alternates:  Colgada & Volcada (off axis moves)

Fees:  $20  Students are required to attend the first hour

LOCATION:  Ballroom Dance Supply
4850 Harwood Road,
San Jose, CA 95124


Two-Tier Tango

Weekly Saturday Class 3:00-5:00pm

June-September 2017


First Hour - Foundation Focus

(suitable for Beginners required for all second hour students)

The Tango foundation must be strong to support the structure of the dance. If you are new to Tango or a little sketchy on the basics this class will help to build your confidence and ability to enjoy dancing in a social setting.  A solid foundation provides the skills to build an increasingly interesting dance.

  • Connect
  • Communicate
  • Create

Fees:  $15  Students are welcome to sit and quietly watch the second hourDiegoSue5web

Second Hour - Complexity through Dissociation

(suitable for experienced social dancers and accomplished students)

Increasing the complexity of your Argentine Tango involves the addition of dissociation and invasion.  This hour will be focused on developing more advanced tango skills including specific timing, generating and surrendering to energy, artistic lines and musical expression.

  • Hooks
  • Whips
  • Sweeps and more...

Fees:  $20  Students are required to attend the first hour

LOCATION:  Ballroom Dance Supply
4850 Harwood Road,
San Jose, CA 95124



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