Tango Workshops


Two-Tier Tango

Weekly Saturday Class 3:00-5:00pm

October - December 2017

First Hour - Foundation Focus

(suitable for Beginners required for all second hour students)

The Tango foundation must be strong to support the structure of the dance. If you are new to Tango or a little sketchy on the basics this class will help to build your confidence and ability to enjoy dancing in a social setting.  A solid foundation provides the skills to build an increasingly interesting dance.

  •  Connection
  •  Intention
  •  Invitation

Fees:  $15  Students are welcome to sit and quietly watch the second hourSue  Sashaweb

Second Hour - Complexity through Dissociation

(suitable for experienced social dancers and accomplished students)

Increasing the complexity of your Argentine Tango involves the addition of dissociation and invasion.  This hour will be focused on developing more advanced tango skills including specific timing, generating and surrendering to energy, artistic lines and musical expression.  Examples:

  •  Options:  Boleo con latigazo (boleo with whip action), Boleo al  piso (boleo on the floor), Rebote  (rebound)
  •  Technique:  Saludo, caricia, adorno (finishing touches)
  •  Alternates:  Colgada & Volcada (off axis moves)

Fees:  $20  Students are required to attend the first hour

LOCATION:  Ballroom Dance Supply
4850 Harwood Road,
San Jose, CA 95124

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